Systems Innovation-as-a-Service
In a world brimming with potential yet paralysed by complexities, Regenerative Futures pioneers Systems Innovation-as-a-Service (SIaaS)—an integrated approach that turns systemic challenges into opportunities for sustainable growth and innovation. Join us as we chart new territories in collaborative change.
We are not just participants but orchestrators of change, navigating through today's complexities with our Systems Innovation-as-a-Service (SIaaS). Distinct from sustainability-focused organisations, we understand that current challenges span far beyond – they demand a holistic reinvention of systems that govern our industries and localities.

SIaaS unlocks systemic transformation by utilising CIRRCLE — our AI-powered benchmark assessment tool that discerns genuine commitment from lip service in the journey to transformation. We shape the narrative from the ground up; first by elevating individual capabilities through our Academy, then by interlinking these empowered changemakers within our Network.

Our Place-Based Systems Innovation (PBSI) and Industry-Based Systems Innovation (IBSI) processes are pivotal, where we dive deep into the fabric of cities, sectors, and industries — fostering a just transition within the Built Environment and beyond. We forge pathways for local authorities, towns, and cities through Place-Based Transition, while Industry-Based Transition propels sectors such as healthcare and energy towards a sustainable future.

For leaders and visionaries, our consulting edge comes with partner-level expertise from our global distributed network — delivering unparalleled strategic support. As a lighthouse for innovation, we navigate organisations through CIRRCLE assessments, map stakeholders' journey, and align innovation projects with our Portfolio, ensuring an integrated approach to address non-technical barriers to change.

The Regenerative Futures Impact Network is where change agents converge to co-create solutions that ripple across ecosystems, making us a nexus for transformation. We're inviting you — leaders, policymakers, entrepreneurs — to be part of this collaborative collective. Together, we’ll architect a marketplace of ideas and opportunities, actualising change that's as systemic as the challenges we face.

Welcome to Regenerative Futures, where we’re engineering the foundation for a resilient and thriving world.
The way we work is no longer sufficient, we need disruptive change.

SIaaS is not just a service; it's our response to a world demanding transformation. It's an acknowledgment that the intricate web of today's global challenges requires more than just piecemeal solutions—it requires a systemic reinvention. Our approach marks a departure from stagnant, organisation-focused strategies.

We move beyond boundaries, placing shared challenges at the epicentre of our work. Through SIaaS, we empower collective intelligence, harnessing diverse perspectives and resources to foster collaborative solutions that echo across communities and sectors. It’s a shift from the siloed to the synergistic, driving success in projects where others see barriers.

Why choose SIaaS? Because it's an orchestrated answer to the call for deep-rooted change. With each societal shift, environmental breakthrough, and economic stride, SIaaS proves that innovative, system-wide solutions are not just feasible but thriving. It's the key to unlocking an era where progress doesn't just ripple—it transforms.

Regenerative Futures breaks the mold by introducing a new category for tackling complex, systemic challenges.

Unlike traditional models, our approach is not beholden to the systems we're changing. Our unique model of distributed responsibility and investment enables collective action, catalysing commitment from all relevant stakeholders.

Our Systems Innovation-as-a-Service (SIaaS) enables stakeholder-led change rather than just council or corporate-led initiatives (which struggle to get going). Our distributed business model allows us to hold each stakeholder accountable as an independent facilitator, powered by our data-driven platform.

Regenerative Futures operates at the intersection of business, policy and finance, supported by citizen action.

Systems Innovation-as-a-Service re-imagines places & industries, re-configuring systems and focuses on regenerating eco-systems. We engage in various activities including advising pioneers and leaders, building coalitions, coordinating multi-stakeholder innovation projects and attracting large-scale capital to drive systems change.

Regenerative Futures Systems Innovation Pathways

At Regenerative Futures, our SIaaS framework is rooted in the principles of industry and place-based transitions. This approach underlines the critical process of co-creation, where diverse stakeholders across sectors and boundaries engage in collective learning and action. It’s about shaping shared meanings and futures through practical engagement, not just analytical diagnosis. We champion a ‘Transition Accelerator’—an ecosystem where collaborative, iterative efforts spark systemic change, recognising that true transformation is an evolving journey crafted together

Working with local authorities, cities, regions, countries, airports, theme parks, rural economies and other places to help make change easier for social, physical and economic systems transformation.
Working with industries and sectors to make change easier by connecting multiple stakeholders for collaboration and coordinated action towards a just transition. Industries include built environment and construction, health care, education and others.